2019 State of Dallas Housing Report Update

Each year, bcANALYTICS releases its State of Dallas Housing Report, a data-driven assessment of the housing landscape in the city. In 2019, rather than releasing the report in a single document, we have decided to roll it out over the course of three installments in order to be more responsive to current needs and changes as the City of Dallas begins to implement its first ever Comprehensive Housing Report. 

Our analytics team has been working hard and the first installment of the State of Dallas Housing is soon to be released. This report assesses the scale, distribution and impact of heirs property on neighborhoods and individuals in Dallas County. 

If you are interested in learning more about heirs properties and how they are linked to the practice of redlining in particular, we will be hosting an event along with Dallas' Office of Equity and Office of Fair Housing and Human Rights next week. Attendees will watch a screening of Undesign the Redline (a short film based on the book The Color of Law) and participate in a panel discussion complemented by the release of the report. 

When: Tuesday, August 6, 6:00-7:30pm

Where: South Dallas Cultural Center, 3400 South Fitzhugh Avenue

How to Attend: RSVP here! 

Drinks and refreshments will be provided; panelists TBA. We look forward to seeing you!

(Check back next week to download the first installment of the State of Dallas Housing: Heirs Property.)