Call for Design Partners

A Designer Social was held at [bc]'s Dallas office on March 13th. To learn more about what was shared at the event, visit our post.

To become a Design Partner, fill out the DESIGNER INFORMATION FORM to receive updates on partnership and volunteer opportunities, and to tell us more about your experience and interests in community-engaged design.

From [bc]'s experience, we have learned that many social issues can be successfully addressed through thoughtful design and planning. [bc] has found that the partnerships between designers/architects and community-based organizations are mutually beneficial, building the knowledge and experience of both to better serve others.

With that in mind, [bc] is inviting local design professionals to become Design Partners to provide their services to meet the needs of local nonprofit and community organizations. There are a variety of roles for designers, architects, landscape architects, engineers, graphic designers, and planners of all levels of experience. These roles include:

  • Design Team Member - An active member of the team of designers committed to the process and completion of a specific project. A Design Team Member will be compensated for his/her time and materials contributed to projects, as outlined in the Design Team Member’s contract.
  • Reviewer - A designer or planner willing to volunteer time for the critical review and assessment of Design Team work. He/she will be asked to attend design reviews and provide critical opinions on the work produced by Design Team Members at any time during the design and implementation phases of various projects.
  • Volunteer/Supporter - A designer and/or community member willing to volunteer their time and skills to assist with projects and events.

Projects currently seeking design partners include (but are not limited to):
Public Design Impact Initiative (Old East Dallas)
Little Free Libraries/Libros Libres (Downtown, Cafe Momentum)